How to Become More Searchable …
If you are finding that you are not getting many call back from your job applications it might be time to review how searchable you really are. Hiring managers and Recruitment Consultants don’t sit back and wait for applications to come through these days, they are actively searching for people, so you need to be active and searchable as well.
LinkedIn – it is an underutilised tool. Some quick tips to make yourself more unique and searchable, update your unique URL (this is the name that will appear in the search bar at the top). You can update it by clicking on the top right of your profile (edit public profile & URL). If you can stick to your name, do that, if that is already taken, keep it simple and professional.
Use key words – Anywhere where you post your resume, use keywords to make yourself appear in more searches. This includes LinkedIn and SEEK (and all other job search websites). Make the keywords relevant to the positions your are applying for (ie. for an HR Administration position, add the job title and any relevant skills listed in similar job adds).
Engage – You have an online presence, so be active on it. Engage with other companies on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. Like, share, and comment on their posts to make your name seen.
Network – Talk to everyone you know (past and present) about the fact that you are actively looking for work. You never know what connections people have until you start talking.
Be active – You may be lucky to land an interview with the first company you apply with, or you could be waiting and waiting and waiting… Don’t be passive with your job search. Engage with a Recruitment agency that lines up with your needs (tips on finding the right agency for you here). Contact hiring managers and HR professionals at the companies you are interested in working with, you can do this on LinkedIn or by emailing directly if you have an email address.
Best of luck on your job search!
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